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EXTRA CREDIT: Farewell Responses to SIX classmates

part 1

Kexin Zhang (Jessie)

You said that one of the things you learned in the course is how to read articles effectively. I think I have a deep understanding of this. As long as a person likes to read and reads a lot, he will become very smart, even if he only reads novels. This is not just because you are better at spelling and writing. You can also understand the author’s thinking process and expand your vocabulary. Correct grammar becomes second nature to you, even if you cannot tell why things are correct or incorrect rules. Of course, you need to put in a little effort. One or two dictionaries should be prepared. Finally,goodbye, kexin,my friend.

Cuiyao Zeng (Zoe)

I think the transformational learning is more important than what I learned in this class. The role of adult conversion learning in today's society is becoming more and more prominent. Only by constantly questioning, reflecting and transforming their own worldview, outlook on life or values can adults be emancipated and developed, and can adapt to various changes in the real life world. Whether it is attending educational seminars, engaging in university education, or exploring learning strategies, when people discuss "education", they often think that education itself is a "good thing." Based on this presupposition, people pay more attention to how to learn effectively, learn to learn, and master learning methods. However, the "purpose" of learning is to solve problems and transform them into abilities. Finally, I hope you can use critical thinking in your future studies.

Jenny Kim

Gender equality at this point is indeed not specifically reminded in Disney's movies. This is just the way Disney wants to make money, so it has increased the participation rate of women. However, in normal reality, don’t look at the various "political correctness" slogans in American society today. If someone dares to do it. Words and deeds of racial discrimination, gender discrimination, sexual orientation discrimination, and even age discrimination will immediately be drowned in criticism. In fact, these are the achievements of various social movements in just a few decades after the Second World War. In American society in the 1950s, discrimination against minorities, women, homosexuals, and marginalized groups was not uncommon. From the beginning of the war to the 1980s, the history of the United States was filled with various social movements, such as the most famous black civil rights movement, anti-war movement, second wave of feminist movement, gay equality movement and so on. It is these movements that brought a democratic leap forward to the United States. Jenny Kim, my friend, let us work hard for equality between men and women.


I am very happy that you have successfully cultivated group leadership skills in this group activity. I think that the cultivation of leadership is first of all the establishment of trust. The establishment of trust for the first time often does not depend on how good the ability, insights and knowledge are, but on the importance and attention to others, a kind of trust based on intimacy. Then it is the courage to take responsibility, stand up when facing problems, calmly command and coordinate, and solve problems properly. A person's learning ability and comprehension are the greatest competitiveness, and I have seen tremendous growth from you. I hope you can make further progress in your future studies.

Jiasheng Zhu (Leo)

You learned about toxic masculinity through Salam’s article for the first time, and started to pay attention to how to become a healthier man. This is actually the positive effect of learning on life. Because of the influence of the patriarchal society, men have been instilled to dominate and bear from an early age... These thoughts may eventually be internalized into an extreme behavior and released to the outside. Indeed, today's society has left many old ideas, and these ideas may also become a person's shackles and a reason for a person's crime. In my opinion, it will sting to the heart because of the personal evaluation given by the outside world, and thus choose a radical way to release the inner pressure, which is caused by the weak will and insufficient capacity of education. Hope you can become a healthy man. Goodbye.

Wanyi Shi (Doris)

You learned a reasonable schedule in this course. me too. The schedule I set for myself is: get up at 7 o'clock, wash and eat, breakfast: a bowl of porridge, a stack of side dishes, if there are few people in the line, I will buy another two boiled eggs. After 8 o'clock, I started to read "The Concept of Movies". Within 40 minutes, there were two or three places for thinking and taking notes. Small break: washing clothes, making a cup of tea. Sort out the notes of the book "The Grey Dawn of Tolerance" to 9:40. Change clothes and go to physical education class (class time is 10:10-11:45). In fragmented time, read e-books on mobile phones and memorize words. Take a shower after class, read a book for a while to eat (after taking a bath, the body is more relaxed, reading is just right, and it can miss the peak of the cafeteria). After the lunch break, draw up a low attention task list. Hope we can all learn better. Goodbye.

part 2:a paragraph

After taking this course, I felt more deeply what it means to be a comprehensive and better communicator. As in a speech, Ms. Celeste Headlee used humorous and concise language to tell us how to become a better conversationalist. With the development of information technology, the human instinct of conversational ability is gradually degrading, and more than one-third of the United States Students send more than one hundred text messages every day to replace face-to-face communication with people, so that an American high school teacher said with concern: I began to realize that the ability to communicate may be the most overlooked by us, and it is not well taught. skill. Children spend several hours a day in contact with creativity and other partners through the screen, but there is no way to chat face-to-face. I hope I can become a person who can live in harmony with others.

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